Stopover to Bora Bora…

Preserving what nature made perfectly

Bora BoraWith its sloping lagoon of infinite blues and string of coral islets, Bora Bora really is this magnificent Pearl of the Pacific that has been waxed on about by so many writers and travelers. Situated 270 km northwest of Tahiti, Bora Bora welcomes over 100,000 visitors each year who come from around the world in search of true paradise.

Preserving the natural beauty of the island is a constant preoccupation of the local government and population. For leading a good example and innovatively solving problems, the island was given “La Marianne d’Or,” a national French award. The prize was given for acheiving environmental preservation goals and also for putting in place long-term development plans. More than ever the Pearl of the Pacific is an example of a good balance between tourism and environmental protection.

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Crédit photo – DR