«Tau Matari’i i ni’a»

The Polynesian Festival of Abundance

Tau Matari’i i ni’aIn ancient times Polynesians followed the movements of constellations to mark the changes of the seasons. Each year around mid-November, the rising of the Pleiades constellation (also called the Seven Sisters constellation) announced Matari’i i ni’a, the beginning of a six month period of abundance which put the less fruitful season of Tau Matari’i i ni’a to an end.

Matari’i i ni’a corresponds to the beggining of the Austral summer and it’s a time of an incredible explosion of nature. This is the period when trees go into fruition, vegetables ripen and plants flower. During the first two months of this season the entire country celebrates in dozens of ways: traditional art shows and sports competitions, the arrival of special guests from Hawaii and Rapa Nui, singing, dancing and more. These celebrations offer visitors a unique chance to experience the strong link between Polynesian culture and its natural environment.

© Tahiticommunication – all rights reserved / Translation: Celeste Brash

Photo Tahiti Tourisme – S. Kobayashi