Paumotu recipes

This month we have decided to introduce you to some paumotu recipes (recipes from Tuamotus)

Recettes paumotuIpo iti iti
Ingredients: 1 cup of flour without yeast, 1 cup of coconut water (and have another in reserve), sugar, coconut milk, coconut water (for cooking).
Preparation: mix in a salad bowl of flour with a bowl of coconut water, and if necessary add the coconut water in order to make a smooth and thick pastry. Boil the coconut water (half the pot). When it is boiling, take tablespoons of the pastry and make it cooked in the coconut water.
Note: If you want to get smaller “ipo”, take a teaspoon, if you want bigger “ipo”, then take one tablespoon. Cook about 25 minutes (the balls “IPO” back to the surface when it is ready). Reduce heat and add sugar (according to your taste) and coconut milk. Let simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve with fish of course !

Farao Maoa – shell fritters
Ingredients: shell, flour without yeast, onion, garlic, pepper, salt.
Chop the shells and keep them in a bowl. Add flour, salt, onions cut in cubes, garlic and pepper. note: flour only serves to bind the shells, save enough flour to make pancakes. Then fry the fritters in hot oil. Ideal for breakfast !

© Tahiti Tourisme – J. Sekkaki